

Deep Tissue Massage

Deep tissue massage works deep into the layers of tissue to provide relief to sore, tired and tense muscles. Deep Tissue Massage works to separate the muscle from the connective tissues of the body (the ligaments, tendons and facia which ‘connect’ one type of tissue to another). When these structures become adhered and less elastic deep tissue massage helps to return these tissues to a supple, fluid condition. Treatment may often be combined with myofascial release and triggerpoint therapy.

           Kinesio Taping

Kinesio Tape reduces pain and helps increase lymphatic drainage by  lifting the skin and separating the layers of tissue. This lifting increases the space between the tissues allowing for a decrease in inflammation, reducing pressure and increasing the flow of blood and lymphatic fluid in the area of injury.


Rehabilitation is an exercise process to regain full function following injury and involves restoring strength and flexibility.  Rehabilitation is  often overlooked after injury but is important when aiming to return to pre injury and fitness levels.  Programs consist of series of exercises, stretches and strenthening regimes.

Pregnancy massage

For relief of those tired muscles and achey joints during the prenatal period. Special care is taken to position the mum to be, avoiding any weight or pressure on the abdomen during massage. Mum and baby can benefit from relaxation and a feeling of well being during this special time.